Taylor Chen

"Transformational Tools for Real-Life Change"

Taylor Chen

Taylor Chen


What did you hope to learn in this course?
To be entirely frank, I don’t know what I hoped I would get from it before it began. I went on a feeling and am so glad I did. I think I assumed I would get more breath-based skills to manage life, which I did, but this was way more expansive. What I got was a deep look under the hood into what my reality IS vs. what I pretend it to be vs. what I want it to be, and why. I came away with practical tools and deep insights that initiated some big belief and behavior changes.

Was anything missing for you?
The thing I felt was missing was exactly what Emily is offering post-course: some sort of deeper group engagement.

How has your health shifted as a result of this course?
Absolutely. One of the biggest things I struggle with is debilitating allergies. Tis’ the season…

In the past, when I have gotten hit with a major attack, which can sometimes last days or weeks and result in a global shutdown inside, I have lost my composure, abandoned myself, strained relationships with my family significantly, and really struggled to get myself back together. Major spirals…

While I have definitely had a few bad days this year and felt overwhelmed, my relationship with myself is significantly changed for the better. I feel connected to a stable inner core underneath the chaos. I can directly connect how bad my overwhelm is to the current state of my nervous system and course correct with tangible, real-time tools. I can maintain self-awareness around my business and not get so spun out with my kids or husband because of my health troubles. I am able to take, and am willing to take, time to pause and assess the situation rationally without totally flipping and reacting.

We even just added two new dogs to the mix, so in addition to the pollen and mold this time of year, we doubled the allergen load inside. And even still, I am doing light years better than in the last few years.

Did you have a favorite module or activity?
I loved them all and was surprised to find the biggest resistance/challenges for myself in the work module.

How could our content or delivery improve?
I was so impressed with how well the two of you tag-team. It was seamless, and I think we could all feel the mutual respect between you. I really enjoyed your differences and how well they complement one another.

The content was really on point—concise, with no unnecessary wordiness or excess, and 100% relevant. There were additional questions I had about some more specific breathwork, but I realize those questions can be answered in other aspects of the back-end resources we have access to. I am enjoying moving through that content, as well.

If inspired, please share a testimonial about your experience and any transformations or positive aspects of the program.
I have been in the health and wellness, personal work world for years. While I have gotten something out of every experience, there has been, admittedly, a certain level of bypassing or intellectual masturbation in places, convenient denial in others, and at times, a lack of ability to transfer some of these somatic explorations to general life experience outside the container.

Maybe it was timing—“when the student is ready, the teacher appears,” so they say. Maybe it was just the right synthesis of information shared, poignant, bulls-eye-like inquiry prompts, personal exploration, and group/guide engagement. For me, it was the right thing, at the right time, in the right place, with the right people.

This time around, I came out with changes that have landed deeply in ways I have only tiptoed on before. Real, embodied shifts in thought, belief, and behavior, which have in turn shifted relationship dynamics—starting with my relationship with myself and paying forward into other external relationships. The thing that I am carrying with me after this program is a sense of self-worth and the ability to trust myself. I am enjoying how much more ease is unfolding in my life by staying in my own lane.

I mentioned we had a dog that passed away last October and the experience I had in the wake of his passing. I had all these visions of what my life was meant to be like—a view from the top of the mountain of what could be. Deep feelings and a knowing of a different type of love within and for myself.

I have never felt so clearly that we all have guides. One of the biggest things I was shown was that in this lifetime, I am meant to experience more ease. It all lasted for a few weeks, and I was left in a sort of depression when it faded—dropped back down to the base and no map to get back up to that place again.

This course was the map and a major course correction to what was happening in my life. Not that my life is meant to be easy—not at all. But I am meant to experience more ease and, in so doing, be able to hold a greater container for those around me. The ease comes from everything that I learned in this program—a deep and honest return again and again to Self.

Thank you both.

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